First 2023-2024 Board Meeting!
Hi JCLers! We had our first board meeting on February 18th! Here’s a quick rundown of what we talked about:
We worked on organizing our resources and emails
Figuring out board member availability for National Convention, as well as possibilities for the Agora table (Email either the President or Second VP if you have any suggestions for things we could sell!)
Discussed Nuntius logistics, such as how often we want updates
Planned website and social media updates to be more accurate and up-to-date
Richa says to follow the Instagram and TikTok!! (@iljcl for both)
Discussed need for more communication between teachers, students, and the board, as well as the possibility of getting in contact with ILJCL-South
Brainstormed activities for the time in between Festivus, ILJCL, and NJCL! Some ideas we thought of were:
Spirit weeks
Service Projects outside of Conventions
Weekly friendly-competition quizzes
Feel free to contact any board member if you have any ideas or questions!
Discussed possible activities for Classics Week (April 17 - April 22)
(Picture of our first board meeting, featuring deified Sonika who joined us virtually due to an unfortunate case of strep throat :( )
Updates to the bios on the website are in the works, so keep an eye out for that!
We look forward to working with you guys this year!!